City Centre Apartments, Norwich
We propose to bring the numerous vacant and under-utilised spaces back into use by returning much needed city-centre residential accommodation to the upper floors, whilst retaining the retail functions at Ground floor level. Our proposal also includes to add a storey above Nos 12-14, however, due to how the existing floor levels work, this addition will be almost an entire storey level lower than No10. Where this façade faces London Street, it would be stepped back by approximately 300m, leaving five arched window heads or ‘cowels’ to remain projecting forward. (But still behind the line of the existing wall below).
These ‘cowels’ make reference to and align with the Romanesque window heads of the 1st floor below and would be simply detailed using metal sheet. Above the ‘cowels’, a perforated metal sheet would continue the line of the existing cornice adjacent to unite the two facades. The perforated sheet will have a decorative pattern, making reference to the ornate carved brick patterns present on both buildings, as you look up, you would see a contrast between the very crisp neat lines of the solid metal window cowels set against the perforations above filtering light through. Both upper extensions facing London Street would be clad in metal sheet material making reference to nearby buildings and the wider roofscape. The additional accommodation to the rear would be constructed from brick to match existing and adjacent walls. Upper stories and window dormers would be traditionally detailed and similarly clad in metal sheet.
So many of the upper floors of our city centre building stock sit vacant or are under-utilised.... This proposal seeks to return this partially vacant building to full occupation by providing much needed residential accommodation without impacting on retail functions below. The provision of good quality residential development in our city centres is an effective method to promote city centre living, proven to stimulate the economy through supporting local businesses and the night-time economy, much like most European cities where well-designed apartment living is more common.